Relieve Pain and Inflammation – Photodynamic Therapy. Gentle, safe, infrared treatment which enhances the healing process.
Infrared A therapy with the Hydrosun 750 is beneficial in the treatment of pain including muscular pains and aches such as experienced by chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia patients, joint pain, neuropathic pain and pain associated with wounds.
The Hydrosun 750 is also excellent in reducing the symptoms and discomfort of chronic sinusitis.
The infrared light therapy may be beneficial in all ENT (ear, nose and throat) related disorders including chronic sinusitis, eustachian tube/middle ear catarrh, lymphadenitis and other chronically inflammatory diseases in the head region.
wIRA (water-filtered infrared A) can considerably alleviate the pain (with remarkably less need for analgesics) and diminish an elevated wound exudation and inflammation and can show positive immunomodulatory effects.
wIRA can advance wound healing or improve an impaired wound healing both in acute and in chronic wounds including infected wounds. Even the normal wound healing process can be improved.
Catarrh is an excessive build-up of thick phlegm or mucus in an airway or cavity of the body.
It is usually found in the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face that drain into the nose), but it can also occur in the throat, ears or chest.
This can lead to:
- a blocked and stuffy nose
- a runny nose or mucus that runs down the back of your throat
- an irritating, persistent cough caused by excess mucus at the back of your throat
- a headache
- facial pain caused by a blocked nose and blocked sinuses
- a loss of smell and taste
- temporary, partial hearing loss and a crackling sensation in your middle ear tiredness
wIRA improves circulation, reduces inflammation and helps improve the resorption of the catarrh.
The central portion of chronic wounds is often hypoxic and relatively hypothermic, representing a deficient energy supply of the tissue, which impedes wound healing or even makes it impossible. wIRA increases temperature, oxygen partial pressure and perfusion of the tissue.
These three factors are decisive for a sufficient supply of tissue with energy and oxygen and consequently for wound healing, especially in chronic wounds, and infection defense. wIRA can enable wound healing in non-healing chronic wounds.
Study of the University of Tromsø/Norway and the Hospital in Hillerød/Denmark: wIRA for chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower legs.
Another prospective study of 10 patients with non-healing chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower legs included extensive thermographic investigation. Therapy with wIRA(+VIS) resulted in a complete or almost complete wound healing in 7 patients and a marked reduction of the ulcer size in a further 2 of the 10 patients, a clear reduction of pain and required dose of pain medication (e.g. from 15 to 0 pain tablets per day), and a normalization of the thermographic image (before the beginning of the therapy, a hyperthermic rim of the ulcer together with a relative hypothermic ulcer base and a temperature difference of up to 4.5°C was typically seen).
In one patient the therapy of an ulcer of one leg was performed with the fully active radiator (wIRA(+VIS)), while the therapy of an ulcer of the other leg was carried out with a control group radiator (only VIS without wIRA), showing a clear difference in favor of the wIRA treatment.[Hoffmann 2009, original study by Mercer et al 2008]
wIRA for chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower legs (Study in Basel)
In a prospective, randomized, controlled study of 40 patients with chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower legs, irradiation with wIRA and visible light VIS 30 minutes three times per week over 6 weeks accelerated the wound healing process (on average 18 versus 42 days until complete wound closure, residual ulcer area after 42 days 0.4 cm² versus 2.8 cm²) and led to a reduction of the required dose of pain medication in comparison to the control group of patients treated with the same standard care (wound cleansing, wound dressing with antibacterial gauze, and compression therapy) without concomitant irradiation.
All variables assessed with visual analogue scales – effect of the irradiation (assessed by patient and by clinical investigator), feeling of the wound area (assessed by patient), wound healing (assessed by clinical investigator), and cosmetic state (assessed by patient and by clinical investigator) – improved remarkably during the period of irradiation treatment, representing an increased quality of life.
Within the group of 6 patients with chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower legs without any concomitant problems (i.e. without arterial insufficiency, without being a smoker and without lacking compression therapy) all 6 ulcers healed completely or almost completely (96–100% reduction of ulcer size).[from Hoffmann 2009, study by von Felbert 2007]
Chronic venous ulcer
23 patients with non-healing chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower legs, compression garment therapy, wound cleansing and 30 minutes wIRA therapy 5 times week, for 9 weeks. Outcome: Improved wound healing, improved granulation, reduced bacterial burden. [von Felbert etl 2007]
wIRA for chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower legs (Study of the University of Freiburg, Department of Dermatology)
In a prospective, randomized, controlled, blinded study, 51 patients with non-healing chronic venous stasis ulcers of the lower legs were treated with compression therapy, wound cleansing, non-adhesive wound dressings and 30 minutes irradiation five times per week over 9 weeks. A preliminary analysis of this study has shown advanced wound healing, improved granulation and in the later phase of treatment a decrease of the bacterial burden in the group with wIRA(+VIS) compared to a control group with VIS only.[Hoffmann 2009]